2024 YFNC Little League Registration Form
This Form is to be completed for children who are participating in the Little League competition | Under 8, 10 and 12 age groups.
NOTE: If your child is already registered via PlayHQ to play in the YFNC Under 12 AWJFL (Sunday competition) you are still required to complete this Form but no further payment is required.
Player 1 Registration Details
Player 1 Full Name
Player 1 Date of Birth
Player 2 Registration Details
Player 2 Full Name
Player 2 Date of Birth
Player 3 Registration Details
Player 3 Full Name
Player 3 Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Parent/s or Guardian/s Full Name/s
Contact Mobile Number/s
Contact Email
Relationship to Child
Care Giver
Emergency Contact Mobile No.: (if different to above)
Are you able to Volunteer with Coaching or Umpiring?
Please confirm your consent to use photo's of your child from Friday Night games on our Facebook page, website and the Yarrawonga Chronicle newspaper
Medical Details
Medical Conditions
Which Player/s do these conditions apply to?
Please submit treatment plan/s if any conditions have been selected
Additional treatment plan/s
Previous Head Injuries
What year/s did these injuries occur?
Which Player/s do these head injuries apply to?
Any other medical conditions that the YFNC needs to be aware of?
PLEASE NOTE: We offer a sibling discount of $10.00 for any additional players registered that are in the same family.
Please select from the list below of Registration Fees which you have made payment for via the YFNC website:
Registration Fees:
1 Player Registration Fee - $100.00
2 Player Registration Fee - $100.00 + $90.00 for additional 1 child = $190.00 total
3 Player Registration Fee - $100.00 + $90.00 for 1st additional + $80.00 for 2nd additional child/ren = $270.00 total
My child is already registered via PlayHQ to play in the YFNC Under 12 AWJFL (Sunday competition) - No further payment for Friday Night competition is required.
NEW Family Membership (refer to YFNC website for further details)
ORDER No.: Please provide the number you received to confirm you have made payment of the registrations fees (Registration Forms will NOT be accepted unless payment has been received. Please note N/A if not applicable.
Family Membership: Please provide your Order No if you have already purchased your Family Membership via the YFNC website. Please note N/A if not applicable
Please advise if you will be redeeming a Victorian Get Active Kids Voucher
Yes - Please provide Victorian Active Kids voucher number below*
Please provide Victorian Active Kids voucher number. The YFNC will redeem on your behalf (Please note N/A if not applicable)
Please email yfnclittleleague@gmail.com if you have any questions or queries regarding your childs registration.
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